Search Tips

About the Search Results maximum

If the number of search results items exceeds a maximum number (200), the Search Results section does not include all items matching the search information. In this case, you receive a message that your search exceeded the maximum number. If you want to see all items matching your search, refine the search by entering more precise or additional search criteria.

The wildcard

In eCredit the search wildcard is the percentage sign, entered as %.The wildcard is used to indicate missing characters when you enter search criteria. The wildcard is automatically added at the end of a name field, enabling you to make a partial entry.

Note:  eCredit searches for information that has nothing in the position of the wild card, as well as entries that have a missing character, letter, or number. Therefore, you should enter the wild card if you are unsure that the character is missing.

Wildcard examples

The following are examples of how to use the wildcard using eCredit.

  • Entering %pac for a name searches for all names that include the sequence pac anywhere in the name. eCredit would display the customers Pace Associates, and The Pace Manufacturing Group. There is no need to enter the wild card at the end of the letters you enter for a name, as eCredit automatically includes a trailing wild card.

  • Entering pace for a name searches for all names beginning with pace or Pace. The name might or might not have any letters after pace.

  • Entering %EC1% for a number searches for numbers that include EC1 anywhere within the number. The number might begin or end with EC1, or it might have missing characters where you entered the wild cards. Because this is a number field, the entry is case-sensitive. Using this entry, eCredit would not search for ec1.

Searching by name  


When searching for names, such as Customer Name, Report Name, or Portfolio Name, follow these rules:

  • Searches for names are not case-sensitive.

  • You can make a partial entry for a name. eCredit automatically adds the wild card (%) at the end of your entry.

  • If you want to search for a name that includes the letters you enter anywhere in the name, enter % (the wild card) at the beginning of your entry.

Searching by DBA

You can search by DBA, an alternative name or trade name used by a business for sales or marketing purposes. You can search for any of the 4 DBA names entered on the customer's eCredit Basic screen. However, be aware that the DBA name entered in the DBA (Trade Style) 1 field on the Basic screen for the customer always appears in the DBA Search Results field even if the DBA match was with the entries in DBA (Trade Style) 2-4 fields.

Searching by invoice #

When searching by Invoice #, you can enter a partial number without entering the wildcard. eCredit automatically adds the wildcard at the end of your entry.

Searching by Customer #, Tran #, LINK ID, or Duns #

When searching for Customer #, Tran #, LINK ID, or Duns #,  follow these rules:

  • Searches for numbers, such as Customer #, Tran #, LINK ID, or Duns # are case-sensitive for any letters they might contain.

  • When entering Customer #, Tran #, LINK ID, or Duns # if you make a partial entry, you must enter the wild card to indicate where there might be missing numbers or characters. (The trailing wild card is not automatically added).

Searching for sources


The Source list is available to enter search information only if you are a subscriber user. The following describes how searches depending on whether you are a user for a subscriber The eCredit subscriber is the organization that holds a contract with eCredit for eCredit. Subscriber users work directly for the subscriber organization., or for a source The Admin for the organization that subscribes to eCredit can use to create sources for credit origination. These sources can be internal or external to the subscriber's organization. The Admin for the subscriber can control the roles that are available to source users. organization:

  • If you are a subscriber user and do not select a source from the list, eCredit searches all source and subscriber customers. If you enter a specific source, eCredit searches customers for only that source.

  • If you are a user for a source that has access to all customers, eCredit always searches all source and subscriber customers.

  • If you are a user for a source that does not have access to all customers, eCredit always searches for only customers created by your source organization.