Searching from the Home Page


The Home Page includes a Search section that you can use to directly access the eCredit information you need.

You can search by Customer Name, Customer #, Experian BIN, DUNS #, LINK ID, or Tran #.

To search from the Home Page:

  1. Access the Home Page by selecting the Home link from the Main menu.
    The Home Page screen appears.

  2. On the Home Page, in the Search section, from the drop-down list, select the item you want to search by. You can select to search by Customer Name, Customer #, Transaction #, DUNS #, Experian BIN, LINK ID, Primary Invoice # (from your source system), or Invoice # (from eCredit).

  1. In the text box, enter the information for the selection you have made using the following guidelines:

    • When searching by Customer Name, you can enter partial information and do not need to enter % at the end of the entry to find matches that include additional letters.

    • When entering the Customer #, Tran #, LINK ID, or DUNS #, you can enter partial information but you must enter % to indicate that there are missing numbers at the end of the entry.

    • When searching by Invoice #, Primary Invoice #, or Payment Ref # you must enter the number in full. eCredit searches for both open and closed invoices matching the number you entered.

  1. Click Search.

If you enter...


A Customer Name, Customer #, DUNS #, or LINK ID

The Search Results section of the Customer Search screen displays the customers matching the information you enter. Click the Customer Name link to access the Basic screen for the customer.

An Invoice #, Primary Invoice #, or Payment Ref #

The Invoice Search List screen appears showing all matches for the Invoice #, Primary Invoice #, or Payment Ref # you entered. You can click the Customer Name or Invoice # link in Search Results to access information about the customer, or details about an open or closed invoice for the customer.

The Action column provides links for quick access to information for a customer (boldface font indicates that data is available for the customer).

To sort the information in a column, click the column heading.

A transaction #

The Search Results section of the Credit Request Search screen displays the transactions matching the number you enter. Click the Tran # to access the credit request details.