Home Page

eCredit Home Page

Use the Home link to access the eCredit Home Page, your personalized view of information stored in eCredit  and on the Web. The eCredit Home Page is made up of the following sections that provide the specific information you need to organize your work and accomplish tasks:

Recent Items

View details for the last ten items that you have accessed. The items can include customers, invoices, transactions, or disputes.



Search by Customer Name, Customer #, Experian BIN, DUNS #, Tran #, Primary Invoice # (from your source system), or Invoice # to directly access the information you need.



Displays links to create a report and manage users.


My Watch List

Add and remove customers to your watch list and select up to three metrics you want to track for them. Print your Watch List if it has more than ten customers. For all metrics except aging buckets and total A/R, the percentage change between the last two collection periods is also shown with an up or down arrow indicating the direction of the trend.  

Today's Tasks

Displays information for customers who have current or overdue actions in your work queue. You select the information that is displayed. If you choose to display the Customer Name or Tran #, these are links to the customer information and credit request details.


My Tasks

Displays summary information for the actions in your  work queue, such as number of tasks past due, the total number of tasks, and the priority for tasks. You can select the information that is displayed.



Web Links

You can add up to 10 Web links that you can access directly from the Home Page.


My Reports

Use the My Reports section to generate eCredit reports directly from the Home Page. You can select the reports you want to generate, and for some reports, enter the default parameters used to generate them.



eCredit Message Board

Displays up to five messages from Cortera updating you on eCredit and industry news, such as upcoming releases, training, and industry events. New messages are marked with an icon.


My Metrics

Displays a bar or line graph of a collections metric for the last three collections period. You select the metric that you want to graph and the type of graph used to display it.



You can customize your eCredit Home Page by:

  • Selecting the sections that you want to appear on your Home Page.

  • Setting the default view of the section as minimized or maximized.  

  • Changing the positions for the sections of the Home Page.

  • Selecting whether the Home Page displays whenever you log on to eCredit.

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