Dispute (Collection Activity Screen)

Description of fields



Invoice #

The invoice number you selected in the Collections Activities screen.

Amount Due

The amount due on the selected invoice.

Due Date

The date the selected invoice is due.

Dispute Amount

The amount disputed for this invoice.


The current status of the dispute.


The category for the dispute, such as billing, pricing, shipping, or taxes. The choices available in the list are determined by your business administrator.


The cause of the dispute, such as damaged goods or installation not complete. The choices available in the list are determined by your business administrator.


The type of dispute, such as billing error. The choices available in the list are determined by your business administrator.


By clicking the note icon you can add a note that is available whenever the dispute is accessed.

Dispute Resolver

If there is a notification ruleset set up for dispute creation and updates you can leave this field blank and have the ruleset determine the resolver. If there is no ruleset defined, by leaving the field blank the invoice owner is assigned as the resolver.

If you are assigned to a role that includes the capability of reassigning disputes, to override the resolver, you can enter the e-mail address of the resolver in this field.

If you do not have this capability the field is read-only

Multiple Disputes

To add multiple disputes for an invoice, when you click the Add link in the Multiple Disputes column another row for adding the second dispute appears. The Add link appears after you save information for the first dispute.