Cortera DIG Report




eCredit Score

This section displays a color-coded score, trend graph, and commentary.

The eCredit score can include an All Company Score that is based on payment data from all industries providing data for the report and an Industry score that is based on payment data from only companies in your industry. There is also basic information on the customer's business, which can include Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes, annual sales range, and number of employees.

Click here to view the eCredit Score section of the report,

Payment Experience Summary

This section summarizes the payment information the report is based on, including break downs for your company, your industry, and all companies providing data for the report. There is a trend graph showing the changes in the Days Beyond Terms Trends and commentary that summarizes the graph trend.

Click here to view the Payment Experience Summary of the report.

Aging Analysis Summary

The Aging Analysis Summary section:

  • Lists the average aging balances for:

    • Your company if you are providing data for the report

    • Your industry if the company reported on is part of your industry

    • All industries providing data

  • Graphs the average aging balances for each of these sectors

  • Graphs the percentage past due trends for the time period you select (24 months to 3 months)

Click here to view the Aging Analysis Summary section of the report.

Additional Payment Experience Details

This section list the following information for your industry and for all companies providing data for the report.

  • Number of Past Due Trade Experiences

  • Number of Trade Experiences with >30 Days Past Due Balance

  • Number of Trade Experiences with >60 Days Past Due Balance

  • Number of Trade Experiences with >90+ Days Past Due Balance

The following recent activity (last 6 months) is provided:

  • Number of payment experiences

  • Number of Inquiries (number of reports requested by our subscribers)

  • Average Monthly Balance

  • Highest DBT

  • Average DBT

Click here to view the Additional Payment Experience section of the Cortera DIG Report.

Your Industry Monthly Aging Balances

This section lists aging bucket sums for all companies within your industry providing data for the report. The percentage of the total accounts receivable that each aging bucket represents is listed. The report includes a link to a trends graph. The chart graphs up to 24 months of data depending on the data that is available.

Click here to view the Your Industry Monthly Aging Balances section of the Cortera DIG report.

All Companies Reporting Monthly Aging Balances

This section lists aging bucket sums for all companies providing data for the report. The percentage of the total AR that each aging bucket represents is listed. The chart graphs up to 24 months of data depending on the data that is available.

Click here to view the All Companies Reporting Monthly Aging Balances section of the Cortera DIG report.

Your Industry Providers Monthly Aging Balances

These sections list the monthly aging balances for each company in your industry providing data for the report.

Click here to view a Your Industry Provider section.

Additional Providers Monthly Aging Balances

These sections of the report list the monthly aging balances for each company providing data for the report. Each section lists the aging bucket totals for that provider in the last 24 months. The percentage past due for each record is also listed.

The additional provider sections follow this display order:

  • First companies within the industry are listed

  • Followed by companies outside the industry.

If your company is providing data for the company, that data displays in the Provider One section.

Click here to view the Additional Providers Monthly Aging Balances sections