Appendix H: Portfolio Member Selection Criteria

The following eCredit fields can be used as Criteria fields when defining conditions for member selection criteria. The Accounts Receivable fields on this list are available only if you have an Accounts Receivable interface to eCredit that includes the data. Your implementation can be set up to include user-defined fields as member selection criteria.


Criteria Fields for Portfolio Member Selection Criteria

Account Status

Field Operations


Operating Sub-segment

Actual Pay Experience

Gross Margin

Operating Territory

AR Days

In Business Since


Past Bankruptcy

AR Turnover

Industry Risk


Quick Ratio

Business Entity Level

Industry Segment


Secondary Credit Analyst


Business Structure

Information Source


SIC Code

Business Type

Interest Coverage Ratio

Source Name


Business Unit

Legal Country


Tangible Net Worth

Cash Flow from Operations

Legal Entity Level

Total Approved Credit Line


Legal State


Total AR Balance

Common Stock

Management Quality


Total Assets

Country Risk

Net Income


Total Current Assets

Credit Analyst


Net Profit Margin


Total Current Liabilities


Current Ratio

Net Sales


Total Equity

Customer Created Date

Net Working Capital


Total Liabilities

Customer Last Review Date

Operating Country

Total Non-current Assets

Customer Next Review Date

Operating Income Before

Total Non-current Liabilities


Customer On Denial

 Operating Product Line


UDF (User-Defined fields) 1-10


Customer On Hold

Operating Region (this is the region the business unit is associated with)

Weighted Score


Customer On Watch

Operating Risk


Customer Region

Operating Sales Force



Customer Since


Operating Segment


Debt to Net Worth Ratio

Operating Sub-sales Force