Appendix G: Line Item and Ratio Formulas for Financial and Cash Flow Statements

The following table provides the formulas eCredit uses for calculated line items and ratios in Income Statements, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements.

Income Statement Formulas

Heading / Line Item

Line Item Formula



Total Sales

({Sales Custom Field 1} + {Sale Custom Field 2})

Annualized Total Sales

({Total Sales} * {Statement Months} / 12)

Cost of Goods


Total Cost of Goods

({Cost of Goods Custom Field 1} + {Cost of Goods Custom Field 2})

Gross Profit

({Total Sales} - {Total Cost of Goods})

Operating Expenses


Total Operating Expenses

{Advertising Expense} + {Amortization} + {Bad Debt Expense} + {Bank Charges} + {Delivery Expense} + {Depreciation} + {Entertainment} + {Electricity} + {General} + {Insurance} + {Legal Expense} + {Management Fees} + {Motor Vehicle} + {Printing and Stationary} + {R and D Expense} + {Rent} + {Salaries and Commissions} + {Travel} + {Other} + {Other Custom Field 1} + {Other Custom Field 2}

Optg. Income Bef. Other Inc/Exp. Int. and Taxes

{Gross Profit} - {Total Operating Expenses}

Income From Oper. Bef. Income Taxes

{Optg. Income Bef. Other Inc/Exp. Int. and Taxes}+{Investment Income}+{Interest Income}-{(Less) Interest Expense}+{Other Custom Field 1}+{Other Inc Exp Custom 1}+{Other Inc Exp Custom 2}

Operating Profit After Tax

{Income From Oper. Bef. Income Taxes}-{Income Tax}

Extraordinary Items


Total Extraordinary Items

{Extraordinary Gains}-{(Less) Extraordinary Losses}+{Other Custom Field 1}+{Other Custom Field 2}

Net Income

{Operating Profit After Tax}+{Minority Interest in consolidated subsidiaries}+{Total Extraordinary Items}


Balance Sheet Formulas

Heading / Line Item

Line Item Formula



Current Assets


Total Inventory

{Raw Materials}+{Work In Progress}+{Finished Goods}

Total Current Assets

{Cash and Cash Equivalents}+{Short Term Investments}+{Accounts Receivable}+{Total Inventory}+{Notes Receivable}+{Intercompany Receivable}+{Advances to Employees}+{Prepaid Expense}+{Deferred Income Taxes}+{Other}+{Other CA Custom Field 1}+{Other CA Custom Field 2}

Fixed Assets


Gross Fixed Assets

{Property and Plant Equipment}+{Leasehold Improvements}+{Other}+{Other FA Custom Field 1}+{Other FA Custom Field 2}

Net Fixed Assets

{Gross Fixed Assets}-{(Less) Accumulated Depreciation}-{Other Depreciation Custom Field}

Other Non Current Assets


Total Non Current Assets

{Investments}+{Investments in Subsidiaries}+{Investment in Associates}+{Loans to Sub. and Assoc. Companies}+{Loans to Employees}+{Other}+{Other NCA Custom Field 1}+{Other NCA Custom Field 2}



Total Intangibles

{Goodwill}+{Patents and Trademarks}+{Software and Development}+{Other}+{Other Intangibles Custom 1}+{Other Intangibles Custom 2}

Total Assets

{Total Current Assets}+{Net Fixed Assets}+{Total Non Current Assets}+{Total Intangibles}

Liabilities and Owner's Equity


Current Liabilities


Total Current Liabilities

{Accounts Payable}+{Income Taxes Payable}+{Dividends Payable}+{Current Portion of Long Term Debt}+{Curr. Obligations Under Capital Leases}+{Notes Payable}+{Deferred Tax Liability}+{Accrued Expenses}+{Intercompany Payables}+{Loans from Employees}+{Other Loans}+{Other Current Liabilities}+{Other CL Custom Field 1}+{Other CL Custom Field 2}

Non Current Liabilities


Total Non Current Liabilities

{Notes Payable}+{Accrued Pension Cost}+{Obligations Under Capital Leases}+{Deferred Tax Liability}+{Subordinated Loans}+{Intercompany Loans}+{Loans from Employees}+{Other Loans}+{Other}+{Other NCL Custom Field 1}+{Other NCL Custom Field 2}

Total Liabilities

{Total Current Liabilities}+{Total Non Current Liabilities}

Owner's Equity


Total Owner's Equity

{Common Stock}+{Preferred Stock}+{Additional Paid in Capital}+{Other Resources}-{(Less) Treasury Stock}+{Retained Earnings}+{Other Equity}+{Other Equity Custom Field 1}+{Other Equity Custom Field 2}

Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity (Total Liab. and O/E)

{Total Liabilities}+{Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries}+{Total Owner`s Equity}


Ratio Formulas

Heading / Ratio Name

Ratio Formula



Net Profit Margin

{Net Income}*100/{Total Sales}

Gross Profit Margin

{Gross Profit}*100/{Total Sales}

Return on Assets

({Net Income}*(12/{Statement Months}))*100/{Total Assets}

Return on Tangible Equity

({Net Income}*(12/{Statement Months}))*100/({Total Owner`s Equity}-{Total Intangibles})

Non Operating Income / Expense as % Sales

({Investment Income}+{Interest Income}-{Less Interest Income}+{Other InterestIncome(Expense)}+{Other Inc Exp Custom 1}+{Other Inc Exp Custom 2}+{TotalExtraordinary Items})*100/{Total Sales}

Total Operating Expenses as % of Sales

{Total Operating Expenses}*100/{Total Sales}

Operating Income as % of Sales

{Optg. Income Bef. Other Inc/Exp. Int. and Taxes}*100/{Total Sales}

Activity and Efficiency


Accounts Receivable Turnover

({Total Sales}*(12/{Statement Months}))/{Accounts Receivable}

Inventory Turnover

({Total Cost of Goods}*(12/{Statement Months}))/{Total Inventory}

Current Asset Turnover

({Total Sales}*(12/{Statement Months}))/{Total Current Assets}

Total Asset Turnover

({Total Sales}*(12/{Statement Months}))/{Total Assets}

Accounts Payable Turnover

({Total Cost of Goods}*(12/{Statement Months}))/{Accounts Payable}

Accounts Payable/Net Revenue

{Accounts Payable}*100/({Total Sales}*(12/{Statement Months}))

Accounts Receivable Days

365/(({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months})/{Accounts Receivable})

Inventory Days

365/(({Total Cost of Goods}*12/{Statement Months})/{Total Inventory})

Accounts Payable Days

365/(({Total Cost of Goods}*12/{Statement Months})/{Accounts Payable})

Net Working Capital Cycle

{Accounts Receivable Days} + {Inventory Days}-{Accounts Payable Days}



Current Ratio

{Total Current Assets}/{Total Current Liabilities}

Quick Ratio

({Cash and Cash Equivalents}+{Accounts Receivable})/{Total Current Liabilities}

Net Working Capital

{Total Current Assets}-{Total Current Liabilities}

Leverage and Coverage


Debt to Tangible Equity

({Total Liabilities}+{Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries})/({Total Owner`s Equity}-{Total Intangibles})

Debt Ratio

({Total Liabilities}+{Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries})/{Total Assets}


({Current Portion of Long Term Debt}+{Curr. Obligations Under Capital Leases}+{Total Non Current Liabilities}-{Deferred Tax Liability})/({Current Portion of Long Term Debt}+{Curr. Obligations Under Capital Leases}+{Total Non Current Liabilities}-{Deferred Tax Liability}+{Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries}+{Total Owner`s Equity}-{Total Intangibles})

Curr. Liab./Total Liab.

{Total Current Liabilities}*100/({Total Liabilities}+{Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries})

Curr. Liab./Total Liab.& Equity

({Total Current Liabilities}*100)/({Total Liabilities and Owner`s Equity (Total Liab. and O/E)}-{Total Intangibles})

Leverage Multiplier

{Total Assets}/{Total Owner`s Equity}

Interest Coverage

({Optg. Income Bef. Other Inc/Exp. Int. and Taxes}+{Depreciation}+{Amortization})/{Interest Expense}

Interest Expense as % of Sales

{Interest Expense}*100/{Total Sales}

Cash Flow Coverage

({Net Income}+{Depreciation}+{Amortization})*(12/{Statement Months})/{Current Portion of Long Term Debt}

Debt Services Ratio

({Accounts Payable}+{Notes Payable Current}+{Notes Payable Non Current})*(1/12.0)/(({Income From Oper. Bef. Income Taxes}+{Depreciation}+{Amortization})*12/{Statement Months})

Trade Payable Coverage

({Accounts Receivable}*30/({Accounts Receivable}*365/({Total Sales}*(12/{Statement Months}))))*(1/{Accounts Payable})

Growth and Other


Sustainable Growth Model I

({Net Profit Margin}/100)*100/(({Total Current Assets}/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))+(({Net Fixed Assets}+{Total Non Current Assets})/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))-({Accounts Payable}/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))-({Net Profit Margin}/100))

Sustainable Growth Model II

({Net Profit Margin}/100)*100/(({Total Current Assets}/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))-({Accounts Payable}/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))-({Net Profit Margin}/100))

Sustainable Growth Model III

({Net Profit Margin}/100)*100/((({Total Current Assets}-{Cash and Cash Equivalents})/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))+(({Net Fixed Assets}+{Total Non Current Assets})/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))-({Accounts Payable}/({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months}))-({Net Profit Margin}/100))


(0.717*(({Total Current Assets}-{Total Current Liabilities})/{Total Assets}))+(0.874*({Retained Earnings}/{Total Assets}))+(3.107*({Optg. Income Bef. Other Inc/Exp. Int. and Taxes}/{Total Assets}))+(0.42*({Total Owner`s Equity}/({Total Liabilities}+{Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries})))+(0.998*(({Total Sales}*12/{Statement Months})/{Total Assets}))


Cash Flow Statement Formulas

Heading / Line Item


I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Net Income

{Net Income}

Depreciation and Amortization


Minority Interest in consolidated subsidiaries

{Minority Interest in consolidated subsidiaries}

Source/(Use) of funds - Accounts Receivable

Change {Accounts Receivable}

Source/(Use) of funds - Total Inventory

Change {Total Inventory}

Source/(Use) of funds - Other Current Assets

Change {Short Term Investments}+({Notes Receivable}+{Intercompany Receivable}+{Advances to Employees}+{Prepaid Expense}+{Deferred Income Taxes}+{Other}+{Other CA Custom Field 1}+{Other CA Custom Field 2})

Source/(Use) of funds - Accounts Payable

Change {Accounts Payable}

Source/(Use) of funds - Accrued Expenses

{Accrued Expenses}

Source /(Use) of funds - Other Current Liabilities

Change (({Income Taxes Payable} + {Dividends Payables} + {Deferred Tax Liability}) + ({Intercompany Payables} + {Loans from Employees} + {Other Loans} + {Other Current Liabilities} + {Other CL Custom Field 1} + {Other CL Custom Field 2}))

Net Cash provided (used) by Operating Activities:

{Net Income}+{Depreciation and Amortization}+{Minority Interest in consolidated subsidiaries}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Accounts Receivable}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Total Inventory}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Other Current Assets}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Accounts Payable}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Accrued Expenses}+{Source /(Use) of funds - Other Current Liabilities}+{Adj. Cash Flows from Operating Activities}

 II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities


Source/(Use) of funds - Net Fixed Assets

(Change {Net Fixed Assets})-({Current Period Depreciation}+{Current Period Amortization})

Source/(Use) of funds - Total Non-current Assets

Change {Total Non Current Assets}

Source/(Use) of funds - Total Intangible Assets

Change {Total Intangible Assets}

Net Cash provided (used) by Investing Activities:

{Source/(Use) of funds - Net Fixed Assets}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Total Non-current Assets}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Total Intangible Assets}+{Adj. Cash Flows from Investing Activities}

III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities


Source/(Use) of funds - Short Term Loans

Change ({Current Portion of Long Term Debt}+{Curr. Obligations Under Capital Leases}+{Notes Payable(Current)})

Source/(Use) of funds - Long Term Loans

Change ({Notes Payable(Long Term)}+{Obligations Under Capital Leases})

Source/(Use) of funds - Other Non-current Liabilities

Change ({Accrued Pension Cost}+({Deferred Tax Liability}+{Subordinated Loans}+{Intercompany Loans}+{Loans from Employees}+{Other Loans}+{Other}+{Other NCL Custom Field 1}+{Other NCL Custom Field 2})

Source/(Use) of funds - Minority Interest in Consolidated Subs.

Change ({Minority Interest in Consolidated Subs})-({Current Period Minority Interest in consolidated subsidiaries}

Source/(Use) of funds - Equity Stocks Financing

Change ({Common Stock}+{Preferred Stock}-{Treasury Stock})

Dividends Paid

{Current Period Dividends Paid}

Source/(Use) of funds - Other Equity

Change ({Additional Paid in Capital}+{Other Resources}+{Retained Earnings}+{Other Equity}+{Other Equity Custom Field 1}+{Other Equity Custom Field 2})-{Net Income}-{Current Period Dividends Paid}

Net Cash provided (used) by Financing Activities:

{Source/(Use) of funds - Short Term Loans}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Long Term Loans}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Other Non-current Liabilities}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Minority Interest in Consolidated Subs}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Equity Stocks Financing}+{Dividends Paid}+{Source/(Use) of funds - Other Equity}+{Adj. Cash Flows from Financing Activities}

IV. Net Change in Cash Position


Net Cash provided (used) by all above activities:

{Net Cash provided (used) by Operating Activities}+{Net Cash provided (used) by Investing Activities}+{Net Cash provided (used) by Financing Activities}



Cash and Cash Equivalents

{Current Cash and Cash Equivalents}

Cash and Cash Equivalents Position-Prior Period

{Previous Cash and Cash Equivalents}

Cash and Cash Equivalents Position-Change

{Current Cash and Cash Equivalents}-{Previous Cash and Cash Equivalents}



Cash Flows from Operating Activities to Sales

{Cash Flows from Operating Activities} / ({Total Sales} * (Statement Months/12))

Cash Flows from Investing Activities to Sales

{Cash Flows from Investing Activities} / ({Total Sales} * (Statement Months/12))

Cash Flows from Financing Activities to Sales

{Cash Flows from Financing Activities} / ({Total Sales} * (Statement Months/12))

Sales Trend

({Current Total Sales} - {Previous Total Sales}) * 100 ) / {Previous Total Sales}