Appendix D: Mapping Financial Statement Overview Information to Graydon Statements

The following table provides the mapping of overview financial statement information in eCredit to the Graydon statements. The label you see in eCredit is given with the corresponding label for Graydon statements.


Statement Label in eCredit

Graydon Label

Statement Date

Accounts Date

Statement Months

Number of Weeks (converted into number of months for mapping to eCredit)


None (eCredit Only)

Next Statement In

None (eCredit Only)

Statement Type 1

Default is Compiled

Statement Type 2

Not mapped

Statement Type 3

Not mapped



Conversion Date

Accounts Date


The monetary unit is specified at the top of each section.

Statement Preparation

None (eCredit Only)

Include in Portfolios

None (eCredit Only)

Financial Completed

None (eCredit Only)


None (eCredit Only)