Appendix C: Mapping Balance Sheets in eCredit to Reuters Fundamentals™ Statements

The following table provides the mapping of balance sheets in eCredit to Reuters Fundamentals balance sheets. eCredit financial statements are based on the US Long format. The labels for each statement and their corresponding Chart of Accounts (COA) codes are listed for Reuters Industrial, Bank, Insurance, and Utility statements.


  • The following table does not include US Long line items that have no mapping to the Reuters statement, although you will see the labels for these line items in eCredit.

  • Totals are not mapped to the Reuters statement, as eCredit calculates totals, along with ratios and cash flow.

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet Label in eCredit (US Long)

Reuters COA Type (Reuters Label)

Reuters COA Type (Reuters Label)

Reuters COA Type (Reuters Label)

Reuters COA Type (Reuters Label)






Current Assets





Cash and Cash Equivalents

ACSH + ACAE (Cash + Cash & Equivalents)

ACDB (Cash & Due from Banks)

ACSH + ACAE (Cash + Cash & Equivalents)

ACSH + ACAE (Cash + Cash & Equivalents)

Short Term Investments

ASTI (Short Term Investments)

ASEC (Total Investment Securities)

ASTI (Short Term Investments)

ASTI (Short Term Investments)

Accounts Receivable

AACR + AORC (Accounts Receivable (Trade), Net + Other Receivables)


AORC (Other Receivables)

AACR + AORC (Accounts Receivable , Trade, Net + Other Receivables)

Raw Materials

AIRM (Inventories Raw Materials)



AIRM (Inventories Raw Materials)

Work in Progress

AIWP (Inventories Work In Progress)




Finished Goods

AIFG + AIOT + AILR (Inventories Finished Goods + Inventories Other + LIFO Reserve)



AGIS + AIOT + AILR + AFUL (Gas in Storage (Inventory) + Inventories Other +  LIFO Reserve + Fuel (Inventory))

Total Inventory (calculated field)





Notes Receivable

ASTR (  Notes Receivable Short Term)



ASTR (Notes Receivable Short Term)

Prepaid Expense

APPY (Prepaid Expenses)


APPY (Prepaid Expenses)

APPY (Prepaid Expenses)

Deferred Income Taxes

ADTC (Deferred Income Tax Current Asset)



ADTC (Deferred Income Tax Current Asset)


AOCA + ARCA + ADCA (Other Current Assets + Restricted Cash Current + Discontinued Operations Current Asset)

SOEA - ASEC + ANTL (Other Earning Assets, Total - Total Investment Securities + Net Loans)


AOCA + ARCA + ADCA + AUUR + ADGC (Other Current Assets + Restricted Cash Current + Discontinued Operations Current Asset + Unbilled Utility Revenues + Deferred Gas Cost)

Total Current Assets (calculated field)





Fixed Assets





Property and Plant Equipment

APBC + ALIC +AMEC + ACPC + ANRC (Buildings + Land/Improvements + Machinery/Equipment + Construction in Progress + Natural Resources)

APBC + ALIC + AMEC + ACPC + ANRC (Buildings + Land/Improvements + Machinery/Equipment + Construction in Progress + Natural Resources)

APBC + ALIC + AMEC + ACPC + ANRC (Buildings + Land/Improvements + Machinery/Equipment + Construction in Progress + Natural Resources)

APBC + ALIC + AMEC + ACPC + ANRC (Buildings + Land/Improvements + Machinery/Equipment + Construction in Progress + Natural Resources)

Leasehold Improvements

APLC (Leases)


APLC (Leases)

APLC (Leases)


AOPC (Other Prop./Plant/Equip.)

AOPC (Other Prop./Plant/Equip.)

AOPC (Other Prop./Plant/Equip.)

AOPC (Other Prop./Plant/Equip.)

Other FA Custom Field 1




AUTP + AEXP ( Utility Plant + Exploration & Production)

Gross Fixed Assets (calculated field)





(Less) Accumulated Depreciation

ADEP (Accumulated Depreciation)

ADEP (Accumulated Depreciation)

ADEP (Accumulated Depreciation)

ADEP (Accumulated Depreciation)

Other Depreciation Custom Field




AUPD + ADPL ( Utility Plant Accumulated Depreciation + Accumulated Depletion)

Net Fixed Assets (calculated field)





Other Non Current Assets






ALTI (LT Investments Other)


ALTI (LT Investments Other)

ALTI (LT Investments Other)

Investments in Subsidiaries

AEQI (LT Investment Affiliate Companies)

AEQI (LT Investment Affiliate Companies)

AEQI (LT Investment Affiliate Companies)

AEQI (LT Investment Affiliate Companies)


ALTR + SOLA (Note Receivable Long Term + Other Long Term Assets, Total)

ALTR + SOLA (Note Receivable Long Term + Other Long Term Assets, Total)

APRE + ALTR + SOLA + ADPA (Insurance Receivables + Note Receivable Long Term + Other Long Term Assets, Total + Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs)

ALTR + SOLA (Note Receivable Long Term + Other Long Term Assets, Total)

Other NCA Custom Field 1

SOAT (Other Assets, Total)

SOAT (Other Assets, Total)

SOAT (Other Assets, Total)

SOAT (Other Assets, Total)

Total Non Current Assets (calculated field)











AGWI (Goodwill, Net)

AGWI (Goodwill, Net)

AGWI (Goodwill, Net)

AGWI (Goodwill, Net)


AINT (Intangibles, Net)

AINT (Intangibles, Net)

AINT (Intangibles, Net)

AINT (Intangibles, Net)

Total Intangibles (calculated field)





Total Assets (calculated field)





Liabilities and Owners Equity:





Current Liabilities





Accounts Payable

LAPB (Accounts Payable)

LAPB (Accounts Payable)

LAPB (Accounts Payable)

LAPB (Accounts Payable)

Income Taxes Payable

LTXP (Income Taxes Payable)

LTXP (Income Taxes Payable)

LTXP (Income Taxes Payable)

LTXP (Income Taxes Payable)

Dividends Payable

LDPB (Dividends Payable)

LDPB (Dividends Payable)

LDPB (Dividends Payable)

LDPB (Dividends Payable)

Current Portion of Long Term Debt

LCLD (Current Port. LT Debt/Capital Leases)

LCLD (Current Port. LT Debt/Capital Leases)

LCLD (Current Port. LT Debt/Capital Leases)

LCLD (Current Port. LT Debt/Capital Leases)

Notes Payable  

LSTD (Notes Payable/Short Term Debt)


LSTD (Notes Payable/Short Term Debt)

LSTD (Notes Payable/Short Term Debt)

Deferred Tax Liability

LDTC  (Deferred Income Tax Current Liability)

LDTC  (Deferred Income Tax Current Liability)

LDTC  (Deferred Income Tax Current Liability)

LDTC  (Deferred Income Tax Current Liability)

Accrued Expenses  

LAEX + LPBA (Accrued Expenses + Payable/Accrued)

LAEX + LPBA (Accrued Expenses + Payable/Accrued)

LAEX + LPBA (Accrued Expenses + Payable/Accrued)

LAEX + LPBA (Accrued Expenses + Payable/Accrued)

Other Current Liabilities

LCAV + LSDP + LOPB + LDCL + LOCL (Customer Advances + Security Deposits + Other Payables + Discontinued Operations Current Liability + Other Current Liabilities)

LSTB (Total Short Term Borrowings)

 LCAV + LSDP + LOPB (Customer Advances + Security Deposits + Other Payables)

LCAV + LSDP + LOPB + LDCL +  LOCL (Customer Advances + Security Deposits + Other Payables + Discontinued Operations Current Liability + Other Current Liabilities)

Total Current Liabilities (calculated field)





Non Current Liabilities





Obligations Under Capital Leases

LCLO (Capital Lease Obligations)

LCLO (Capital Lease Obligations)

LCLO (Capital Lease Obligations)

LCLO (Capital Lease Obligations)

Deferred Tax Liability

SBDT (Deferred Income Tax)

SBDT (Deferred Income Tax)

SBDT (Deferred Income Tax)

SBDT (Deferred Income Tax)

Other Loans

LLTD (Long Term Debt)

LLTD (Long Term Debt)

LLTD (Long Term Debt)

LLTD (Long Term Debt)


SLTL (Other Liabilities, Total)

LDBT + SLTL (Total Deposits + Other Liabilities, Total)

SPOL + SLTL (Policy Liabilities + Other Liabilities, Total)

SLTL (Other Liabilities, Total)

Other NCL Custom Field 1


SOBL (Other Bearing Liabilities, Total)



Total Non Current Liabilities (calculated field)





Total Liabilities (calculated field)





Minority Interest in Consolidated Industries

LMIN (Minority Interest)

LMIN (Minority Interest)

LMIN (Minority Interest)

LMIN (Minority Interest)

Owners Equity





Common Stock

SCMS (Common Stock)

SCMS (Common Stock)

SCMS (Common Stock)

SCMS (Common Stock)

Preferred Stock

SRPR + SPRS (Redeemable Preferred Stock + Preferred Stock Non Redeemable, Net)

SRPR + SPRS (Redeemable Preferred Stock + Preferred Stock Non Redeemable, Net)

SRPR + SPRS (Redeemable Preferred Stock + Preferred Stock Non Redeemable, Net)

SRPR + SPRS (Redeemable Preferred Stock + Preferred Stock Non Redeemable, Net)

Additional Paid in Capital

QPIC (Additional Paid-In Capital)

QPIC (Additional Paid-In Capital)

QPIC (Additional Paid-In Capital)

QPIC (Additional Paid-In Capital)

Other Resources

QEDG + QUGL (ESOP Debt Guarantee + Unrealized Gain/Loss)

QEDG + QUGL (ESOP Debt Guarantee + Unrealized Gain/Loss)

QEDG + QUGL (ESOP Debt Guarantee + Unrealized Gain/Loss)

QEDG + QUGL (ESOP Debt Guarantee + Unrealized Gain/Loss)

(Less) Treasury Stock

QTSC (Treasury Stock, Common)

QTSC (Treasury Stock, Common)

QTSC (Treasury Stock, Common)

QTSC (Treasury Stock, Common)

Retained Earnings

QRED (Retained Earnings/Accum. Deficit)

QRED (Retained Earnings/Accum. Deficit)

QRED (Retained Earnings/Accum. Deficit)

QRED (Retained Earnings/Accum. Deficit)

Other Equity

SOTE (Other Equity, Total)

SOTE (Other Equity, Total)

SOTE (Other Equity, Total)

SOTE (Other Equity, Total)

Total Owner's Equity (calculated field)





Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity (Total Liab. and O/E) (calculated field)