Customizing the Credit Line Detail Screen



Use the View Designer feature to customize the display of the Credit Line detail screen in the Customer Analysis module. This section describes customizing sections on the Credit Line details screen with a link to information for customizing fields.

Locked fields and View Designer

Certain fields are locked. Locked fields are marked with a lock icon to indicate that they cannot be edited or hidden from view. On the Credit Line Details screen, you can change the position of a locked field on the screen.

Customizing fields

Click here for instructions to customize fields on the Credit Line detail screen.

Customizing screen sections

Screens are divided into sections that are identified by green title bars. On the Credit Line detail screen, you can customize the following for screen sections:

  • The section title

  • Position of the section on the screen

  • Reposition fields within the section or add fields from other sections.

Note: You cannot move fields from the Additional Information section to other sections. However, you can add fields from other sections to the Additional Information section.

  • Set the default display of the section as minimized or maximized. When a section is minimized, only the section header appears until you click the down arrow next to the title. Minimizing a section provides more space on the screen to view other data.

  • Hide any section that does not include a locked field.

Note: The Approval Authorization section of the Credit Line details screen cannot be edited as it performs the validations for approving credit lines. For this reason, this section does not appear in the View Designer feature for Credit Line details.

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