Segment Details Screen

Description of fields



Challenger Strategy

Select the name of the Challenger strategy you want to assign to the segment. The Challenger is a refinement of the Champion strategy. You assign the Challenger to the strategy along with the Champion to test the Challenger's relative effectiveness.

Champion Strategy

Select the name of the Champion strategy. The Champion strategy represents your best practices for handling invoices in this segment.


Enter a description for the segment. For example, enter the characteristics that distinguish this segment, such as High Risk, or High Dollar.

Dist. % (for Champion Strategy)

This field should be set to 100% if a Challenger is not assigned. eCredit dynamically adjusts this percentage when you enter a percentage for a Challenger.

Dist. % (for Challenger Strategy)

If you select a Challenger strategy for the segment, enter the percentage of invoices you want the Challenger to treat. For example, enter 20%, so that most invoices are still treated by your known best practices.


Name the strategist assigns to the segment.

Look Back Days

Enter the number of days to look back from the Period After Date. You can change this entry any time, but making an entry here saves this as the initial search criteria you see.

Period After Date

Enter the date from which you want to view metrics. Metrics are calculated from the date the segment is saved, but the Period After Date sets the start date for viewing the metrics. You can change this entry any time, but making an entry here saves this as the initial search criteria you see.

Promote Challenger

When you have sufficient metrics to decide that the Challenger is more effective than the Champion, select this check box to promote the Challenger to Champion status. This removes the Champion from the segment. This check box does not appear until after you have saved information for the segment.

Metric  Detail

Note: Metric details are listed for the Champion strategy, and for the Challenger strategy if one is assigned to the segment.

# of Invoices

The total number of invoices treated by the champion strategy and the total number treated by the challenger strategy if one is associated with the segment.

Average Days to Pay Measures the average number of days to pay for all invoices using the following formula: MTD Days Pay / MTD Payments.

Look Back Days

Enter the number of days to look back from the current date. This field displays the last number of days saved for this field. Use Look Back Days when you want to see the statistics for the last X number of days.

Period After Date

Enter the date from which metrics are displayed. This field displays the last date saved for this field. Use Period After Date when you want to see statistics from a certain date. For example, if you add a challenger strategy on September 1, 2005, to see statistics for the time period after the challenger was added, you could enter September 1, 2005 in the Period After Date field.

Average number of tasks required to pay (ATP) The average number of collector tasks required to pay invoices weighted by the collected amounts of those invoices. This metric is an indication of how much work it took to collect on receivables.

% of uncollected receivables (UR) The ratio of the total amount not collectible to the total expected receivables. Expected receivables is calculated as invoice balances less non-monetary credits. This metric is an indication of how much of your receivables you are not collecting.