Viewing Details for Bulk Action Item Completion Events


When action items are submitted for completion from the Work Queue Summary or Collection Activity screens, if the number of actions exceeds a maximum, the completion is converted to a bulk processing job.  

To view details for bulk action item completion jobs:

  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin Home Page appears.

  2. From the Policy Administration tab, select Bulk Action Item Completion.
    The Action Item Bulk Complete screen appears.

  3. Enter information to locate the event for which you want to view details and click Search.
    The Search Results section displays the events matching the information you enter. The Status and the Status Message for each event is listed in the Search Results section.

  4. Select View/Edit in the row for the event for which you want to view details.
    The Action Item Bulk Complete Event Details screen displays the number of action items for each customer and how many eCredit marked as completed.