Scheduling Jobs


Jobs are any tasks supported by eCredit that require periodic execution. Currently, eCredit supports the following jobs:

  • Data load and extract

  • Daily aging calculation

  • Collections treatment execution

  • Periodic dispute event trigger

  • Portfolio execution - execution of portfolios defined using the Portfolio Management Module

  • Portfolio scoring - Cortera Boost  More

  • Batch report generation

eCredit Professional Services Organization (PSO) schedules your jobs during your subscriber setup. Your implementation might include jobs for which you can flexibly supplement the schedule set up by eCredit. eCredit PSO determines if this capability will be available for any of your jobs.

Job Scheduling feature

Using the Job Scheduling feature, you can:

  • View the periodic schedule set up for your jobs by eCredit as part of your subscriber setup.

  • Schedule any jobs for which eCredit has enabled scheduling.

  • Delete the schedule for a job.

Note:  To view the status for job events, you use the Scheduled Events feature. More   You are able to monitor the status for any job that eCredit added as part of your subscriber setup.

When you schedule a job, you assign the job an alarm. An alarm is a trigger that specifies whether the job is to be run one time only, or on a recurring basis. The alarm choices available to you are the alarms that are specified in your subscriber setup.

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