Maintaining Internal Contacts


Internal contacts are employees of your organization who act as contacts, or as resolvers of disputes for one or more customers. Internal contacts can include eCredit users and employees who are not eCredit users.

When you enter information for internal contacts, users can select these names when adding Internal Contacts in the Customer Analysis module, or when selecting e-mail addresses for sending messages in the Correspondence feature. When a user selects a contact, the information you enter for the contact automatically populates the Contact screen, reducing data entry effort and ensuring information is entered consistently.

Use the Internal Contacts feature to add new internal contacts who are not eCredit users, and to edit information for all internal contacts.

Adding eCredit users as internal contacts

The easiest way to add an eCredit user as an internal contact, is to select the Yes option button for Internal Contact on the User Details screen for the contact. This automatically adds the user as an internal contact.

When you edit information for an internal contact who is also an eCredit user, the corresponding information is also updated on the contact's User Details screen.

How internal contacts are used

When you add internal contacts, these contacts can be associated with specific customers using the Internal Contacts feature of the Customer Analysis module. Users can select the contacts to populate the record. This reduces data entry and ensures that information is entered consistently.

When users associate an internal contact with a customer, the internal contact can be used in the following ways:

  • The eCredit Business Administrator can create rules that select these internal contacts to be dispute resolvers for the customer. This is done using the Notification Setup feature.

  • Users can select the associated internal contacts when generating e-mail messages for the customer using the Correspondence feature. The e-mail address entered for a contact automatically fills in when the contact is selected.

  • eCredit uses the information entered for the internal contact when creating correspondence for the customer generated by your collections strategies. The administrator who sets up your collections strategies defines which internal contact receives the message.

About the Sales Representative contact type

When you add an internal contact, you select the contact type for the user. If you select Sales Representative for the contact type, the internal contact appears in the Owned By drop down list that appears on the Credit Request Search screen. This means that users can select an internal contact who is a sales representative as search criteria when locating credit requests by the owner.

How internal contacts are added

You can manually enter internal contacts, or they can be populated through an interface if your implementation includes this.

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