Maintaining Exchange Rates


Using the Exchange Rate feature of the Admin module, you can manually enter or modify exchange rates for a particular date and currency. This provides you with the flexibility to add or update exchange rates when needed.

You can search by date and currency to view the available exchange rates. Search by currency only to see all the exchange rates available for a particular currency. Search by currency and date to see if exchange rate data for a particular date has already been entered.

When adding new exchange rate information, eCredit provides you with the most current data stored in eCredit. You can then modify this data, or save it with the current date if the information has not changed.

Additionally, you can download currency exchange rates for the current date, an historical date earlier than the current date, and for a range of months within a specified time period. This feature is available only if the 'Enable Exchange Rate' option is checked on the Subscriber Details screen.

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