Customize Package

Customize Package feature

Use the Customize Package feature to customize the data available to users creating reports. You can change the following using the Customize Package feature:

  • The display labels used for the data types available for creating reports

  • The display labels used for fields that appear in reports. These fields are referred to as data columns when creating reports.  

  • Remove entire data types or specific fields within a data type so that these data types and fields are not available when users create reports. You can do this for data that you do not store in eCredit or that you do not want used for creating reports.

The changes that you make are global changes affecting all users creating reports.

The following data types are available when creating reports:

  • A/R Summary

  • Addresses

  • Credit Line

  • Customer

  • Dashboard Metrics

  • Decision

  • Disputes

  • Financial

  • Invoice

  • Latest AR Summary

  • Work Queue