Scheduling Collection Periods


Your company operates on a yearly fiscal calendar. In eCredit, you set up collection periods to mirror your yearly fiscal calendar.  

Depending on your company's preference, this yearly schedule can consist of:

  • Twelve monthly collection periods

  • Four quarterly collection periods

The collection periods you set up are used to calculate the following:

  • Aging buckets in A/R Data feature of the Customer Analysis module

  • Past Due Amount (Days) This field appears on the Work Queue Summary screen. It is a total amount past due that your business administrator can customize by entering the number of days past due an invoice must have to be included in this total, and whether the field is calculated as of the current date, or as of the end date of the current period. This amount can be customized for all customers (Aging Bucket Setup feature), and for particular customers (Special Account Setup). The Days in parentheses is the number of days past due used to calculate the field. field that displays on the Work Queue Summary screen

  • Aging data displayed on the Collection Metrics and Aging tabs of the Customer Profile in the Work Queue module for collections

  • Key performance indicators used in Dashboard graphs


  • You can change the dates for a collection period only before data for that date has been loaded into eCredit.

  • You are not able to delete a collection period If there are any collection metrics calculated for it.

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