Setting Up Collateral Types


Using the Collateral Setup feature of the Admin module, you can define collateral categories and types for your eCredit installation. A collateral category is a description for a group of related collateral types. A collateral type is a specific collateral asset within a collateral category. For example, a standard letter of credit and documentary letter of credit are specific collateral types within the letter of credit category.

Using the Collateral Type Setup feature, you can:

  • Create new categories of collateral transactions and add types for the new categories.

  • Add new types for the standard collateral transaction categories provided with eCredit.

  • Delete any of the collateral types you create as long as the type is not being used to store a customer collateral transaction record. You cannot delete the default collateral types provided with eCredit.

The collateral categories and types you define supplement the following standard categories and types provided with eCredit:

Collateral Category

Collateral Type

Letter of Credit

Standard L/C


Documentary L/C


Standby L/C

Corporate Guarantee

Inter-corporate guarantee


Third-party guarantee

Cash & Marketable Securities

Cash Reserves




Account Receivables




Letter of Indemnity

When you add a new collateral category and type, the fields that are available when adding transactions for the type depend on the category:

  • If you enter Letter of Credit, Corporate Guarantee, or Other as the Category, the standard fields for those categories are available.

  • If you enter a new category, the standard fields for the Other category are available.

About additional information for collateral types

When you save a new collateral type, eCredit automatically saves a standard entity for the type. Using the Additional Information feature of the Admin module, you are able to use the standard entity for this collateral type to create additional fields. These additional fields are then available to users when adding information for the collateral transaction records they create using the type.

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