Maintaining Additional Information


Additional Information is your custom information that has been made available in eCredit. This additional information is added as part of your eCredit implementation but you can view details for this information using the Admin module's Additional Information feature. To make changes in your additional information, contact the eCredit Professional Services Organization (PSO).

There are two types of additional information:

  • Standard entities: Standard entities are specific eCredit screens that can be customized by adding fields to them.

  • User-defined entities: User-defined entities appear in the Additional Information feature. User-defined entities are created for you when you need to record information that does not relate to the type of information stored on any of the screens (standard entities) that can be customized.

For example, if the workflow for your analysts requires leasing information, a user-defined entity to store the leasing information could be added during your implementation. Users would then view and enter information for the user-defined leasing entity through the Additional Information feature, as there are no standard eCredit screens for leasing.

The following are the screens (standard entities) that the eCredit Professional Services Organization can customize for you as part of you implementation.

Bank References


Business Characteristics


Contacts (Business)

Credit Line

Credit Request Type (Credit Request Details screen)


Customer Status



Operating Characteristics

Origination Information (Credit Request Details screen)

Personal Guarantor

Source Type

Trade Reference



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